Analyze The Media Workbook: Identify News, Propaganda & PR

Analyze The Media Workbook: Identify News, Propaganda & PR

Getting the real story can be hard in the days of fake news and hidden agendas.

Analyze the Media is a workbook that uses the Socratic method to help you Identify News, Propaganda & PR. Using this workbook, you will be able to pick apart and analyze articles or news broadcasts and come to your own conclusions about what elements might have shaped the content.

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About the Book

Analyze the Media is a workbook that uses the Socratic method to help you Identify News, Propaganda & PR. Using this workbook, you will be able to pick apart and analyze articles or news broadcasts and come to your own conclusions about what elements might have shaped the content.

Getting the real story can be hard in the days of fake news and hidden agendas. Analyzing the news can help you identify whether an agenda is the driving force or not.

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