fiction novel

Book of Wrath

Book of Wrath

Famine has been having a really bad day and decides he can't take it anymore! Being one of the four horsemen, his job is tough. He has to take care of Pestilence, War, Death, and all the bad things they make happen. When Famine gets tired of his work, he ventures off to find some joy in his life.

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Fly on the Wall

Fly on the Wall

Jaylin just wanted to die, but instead he ended up on otherworld journeys that started in a place between here and there. Was it purgatory or parallel worlds?

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Injected: into Fool’s Paradise

Injected: into Fool’s Paradise

Injected: Into Fool's Paradise is the story of one woman struggling to understand reality as powerful interest groups clash to control perception. Sophia must journey through what's seems like madness before arriving at the moment of awakening.

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Daoine Sidhe of the Post-Apocalypse: A Dark Short

Daoine Sidhe of the Post-Apocalypse: A Dark Short

A dark short story about the Daoine Sidhe that live on the post-apocalyptic earth.

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Clown Souls: A Dark Short

Clown Souls: A Dark Short

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