Novel Writing Workbook Series

Novel Writing Plot Development Workbook: Volume 1

Novel Writing Plot Development Workbook: Volume 1

Start your novel writing process by outlining the details of plot of your best ideas. The Plot Development Workbook includes a novel details page for outlining the major themes, influences, competitors and information for your novel idea. Plus, there are synopsis pages and outlines for developing the exposition, challenges, conflicts, climax and other important elements of your novel's plot.

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Novel Writing Character Development Workbook: Volume 2

Novel Writing Character Development Workbook: Volume 2

The Character Development Workbook is an invaluable tool for developing realistic and complex characters for your novel. Use it to develop physical, psychological and spiritual attributes as well as character arcs for each of your characters. Also, use the character conflict worksheets to develop strong protagonist and antagonist relationships.

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Novel Writing Settings Development Workbook: Volume 3

Novel Writing Settings Development Workbook: Volume 3

The Settings Development Workbook is Volume 3 of the Novel Writing Series. This workbook will provide an excellent reference to refer back to during your novel writing process. Once you complete the worksheets for all your settings the workbook will help organize locations, descriptions and major events that happen at each setting of your novel.

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Novel Writing Scenes Development Workbook: Volume 4

Novel Writing Scenes Development Workbook: Volume 4

The Scenes Development Workbook is a tool to help you plan and write your novel. It will help you organize all of the details in each scene and ensure that it accomplishes what you want it to, including challenges, revelations, story and character development and more. If you have completed the previous volumes in this novel writing series, then this would be a good time to review them again.

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Novel Writing Chapters Development Workbook: Volume 5

Novel Writing Chapters Development Workbook: Volume 5

Flourish your writing skills with the Chapters Development Workbook. It’s a handy guide to planning your novel, allowing you to define the sequence of events that you want in each chapter. Information on characters, settings, conflicts and conclusions will help you create engaging stories that will keep readers turning pages.

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Novel Writing World Building Development Workbook: Volume 6

Novel Writing World Building Development Workbook: Volume 6

The World Building Development Workbook is Volume 6 of the Novel Writing Series. If you are writing a science fiction or fantasy novel this workbook will help you develop and record all the worlds you imagine. Use the workbook to develop cultural, geographical, political, historical and technological attributes for each new world you create.

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